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Saturday, July 14, 2012

How Do I Keep A Guy Interested In Me

How Do I Keep A Guy Interested In Me

Hello ladies,

Let's listen in on a conversation for a minute...

"So, are you originally from this area?" she said.
"Yes", he said, "I've lived here all my life."
"You said you were an accountant. How long have you been doing
that?" she asked.
"Six years." he replied.
"Do you enjoy it?", she said.
"Most of the time, yes." he said.
"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
"I have two brothers and a sister."
He sighed, and wondered when this misery would end.

Who would you guess is having this conversation? A potential
employer and employee maybe? Possibly seatmates on an airplane?

How would you feel if you were on the receiving end of this

Don't you think it sounds more like an interview than a first

And it wasn't very interesting, was it?

Sadly, this happens a lot. And the woman is often left without
a clue about why there isn't a second date.

Stop interviewing guys!

You're suppose to have fun in a date not making the whole
date a bummer or weird for him and for you.

Stop making this mistake on your first date. The key to an interesting
conversation starts with it being a "conversation", not a
question and answer session. Both people involved need to be
fully engaged in order for an exciting conversation to occur.

Have you ever heard the saying, "A first impression is a lasting 
impression..."? Whether you've realized it or not, this saying
rings true when it comes to dating. You've got to get it right
when it comes to the first impression if you want to have any
chance at a first or second date! The key to making a great
first impression is to steer the conversation.

What does It Means?

Steering the conversation to make a great first impression means
that you need to use certain strategies to keep the conversation
exciting. A boring conversation will have him walking away with
a non-memorable impression of you!

We don't want that do we?

So how exactly do you keep the conversation exciting? Start by
use the words "what", "how" and "why" which will create open-ended
questions. Open ended questions are the most effective way to
steer a conversation because they allow you to dive deeper into
the conversation.

For example, instead of asking "How many siblings do you have?",
dive deeper into his family dynamic by asking "What is that you
liked most about your childhood?" If he has fond memories of his
childhood, he will automatically inform you about the size of
his family, etc.

The bottom line is that the key to making a lasting impression on a man 
is to steer the conversation and make it a memorable one. Don't
settle for questions that will result in a one-word answer.

If you're still asking, "How do i keep a guy interested in me?" then
I suggest you watch this video >>

Click here to learn how do i keep a guy interested in me.

To your relationship success.

P.S. How do i keep a guy interested in me? Click here to learn more!

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